Staff at the home practise a user and needs led support role with emphasis on enabling and empowering service users. We view Castle Road as a positive bridge from hospital care into independent living. It is our intention to provide a safe, warm and friendly environment, with a holistic approach to other good existing service provisions.
Quality of life, it is expected will be improved through assessment of need, development of resources and user led care plans which promote independence. Choice, at Castle Road, is encouraged through user involvement and person centred care within a safe environment.
Confidentiality is paramount and valued by both residents and staff. Our residents are supported in communicating and engaging with organisations and people within the community to promote opportunities to function, participate and develop in society.
Promoting opportunities for service users to use their own strengths and expertise to enable them to meet responsibilities, secure rights and achieve change is a positive feature of life at Castle Road. Service users work in partnership with staff and other services to assess and review circumstances and plan responses to need and risk. Through working together with the wider community, we offer a valuable and comfortable environment for people with and recovering from mental health illness.
If you would like more information, please contact our registered manager:
Carl Tims
The Parkview Society Ltd
15-17 Castle Road
Please ring us on: (01803) 294378
Nominated Individual: Robert Ellisson