T: 01626 332630
A: 35a Highweek Village, Highweek, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 1QG

Friends of Parkview Society

The Parkview Society Limited is a voluntary not for profit organisation with charitable rules, and a provider of high quality residential care and supported living in the community. The organisation is governed by the volunteers who sit on the Management Committee.

What we do

We work from across East to South Devon, managing over 60 units of accommodation in registered care homes and supported housing. Our visiting services support over 300 clients in the community.

Some 60+ people are employed and the turnover is nearly £2 million per year. Services are funded via contracts from Councils, Health Trusts and individual service users.
The Society, through a caring, motivated and appropriately trained staff team, tailors its services to suit the needs of individuals with mental health issues, learning difficulties, housing difficulties or other vulnerability issues. The Parkview Society respects individual rights to privacy, autonomy and independence, and seeks to develop and maximize potential in safe, secure and homely environments.

The role of our members

Membership provides the opportunity to influence and steer the provision of housing, support and care to vulnerable groups in the community.

Members have the opportunity to visit our schemes, meet our staff and residents, and guide the development of the Society.
Pictured: Christmas 2010, Chairman, Roy Hancock MBE, receives the keys to a 7 seat people-carrier, purchased via a donation administered by Dr. Adrian Kendal

What if you wish to support the work of the Society?

The Society has been very fortunate to receive occasional donations and gifts over the years. These have all been put toward enhancing the services we provide, above and beyond what may be normal expectations.


Donations, of any amount, always gratefully accepted and will be acknowledged.

Will and Legacies

All bequests to the Parkview Society Limited will be used to directly enhance the services we provide in the community.

Life Policies

The Society is pleased to have the opportunity of working alongside Tailored Wealth Financial Management to offer another way of supporting our services.

Enclosed you will find further details of the scheme that offers the Society a financial benefit, linked to whatever monthly contribution participants choose to take on.

Register of the Friends of Parkview

If you choose to assist the Society in any of the ways above, you will be entered on the Register of the Friends of Parkview, and if you choose to receive, we will keep you in touch with the Society’s work and progress.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like some further information.

The Parkview Society Ltd.
35A Highweek Village, Highweek
Newton Abbot, TQ12 1QG

Tel/Fax: 01626 332630

Registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (Registered number 23703R).

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